Neel Shah


Hello! I'm Neel, an aspiring Data Analyst with a passion for extracting insights from data.

Lifelong learner, skilled in math & programming, passionate about data analysis, enjoys tackling complex challenges & creating visualizations.

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TechConnect Inc. Sales Analysis

Business Background: TechConnect Inc. is a renowned global electronic appliance company, offering a wide range of high-quality products, including microwaves, irons, ceiling fans, and various other digital appliances. With a strong network of salesmen and distributors, TechConnect prioritizes customer satisfaction, eco-friendliness, and personalized service. Embracing innovation, they aim to enrich lives and homes worldwide, forging lasting relationships with clients. Experience the essence of technology with TechConnect as they revolutionize the way we interact with digital appliances, ensuring delightful and memorable experiences.

Technology Used

πŸ”Ή Excel

TechConnect Inc. Dashboard

TechConnect Inc. Dashboard

TechConnect Inc. Sales Analysis πŸ“Š

Intriguing data insights await as we unravel the fascinating sales analysis of TechConnect Inc., your go-to destination for top-notch electronic appliances. Let’s embark on this captivating journey of numbers and discover the secrets behind their remarkable success.

Store Distribution 🏬: TechConnect Inc. boasts a dominant presence in the USA, with a whopping 320 stores spread across the country. However, the vast EMEA region takes the lead in salespersons, with an impressive count of 1024, showcasing the company’s extensive reach and dedication to providing unmatched service.

Discount Trends πŸ’°: An enthralling revelation lies in the average discount trend. Over the years, TechConnect has demonstrated a remarkable shift in strategy, gracefully reducing the average discount offered per year from 14% to 9%. This strategic move showcases their commitment to both customer satisfaction and financial prudence.

Hottest Deals πŸ”₯: Stepping into the realm of individual items, the air conditioner takes center stage, emerging as the champion of discounts with a staggering 79% markdown, offering customers unbeatable deals for staying cool in every season.

Super Savers πŸ’Έ: Meet Valerie Brown and David Romero, the superheroes of discounts! These two remarkable individuals have consistently offered the maximum discount of 80% on items, making them the dream team for bargain hunters.

Unbeatable Salesmanship πŸ›οΈ: Among the wide array of products, the humble iron reigns supreme with the support of an impressive 239 salespersons. Witness the sheer dedication to offering this essential appliance to homes across the globe.

Profits Unveiled πŸ’Ή: TechConnect Inc.’s profitability soars with its strategic focus on refrigerators. This flagship product earns the company the highest profit, reflecting their shrewd business acumen.

Sparkling Showcase 🌟: In the heart of the USA, the Kansas City store stands tall, boasting a dazzling array of 63 items. A treasure trove of choices awaits visitors, making it a haven for the discerning shopper.

Approaches Used

To conduct this analysis, the following data-driven approach was employed:

Excel Formula Magic ✨: Behind the scenes, meticulous Excel formulas were applied to treat and clean the data, ensuring utmost accuracy and integrity.

Dynamic Pivot Data πŸ”„: The entire analysis was conducted using dynamic Excel pivot tables, allowing for flexibility and adaptability as the business evolves.

Captivating Dashboard πŸ“ˆ: The dashboard showcases a diverse range of interactive visualizations and filters. This dashboard empowers users to seamlessly explore and gather invaluable insights from the data.


TechConnect Inc.’s journey is adorned with remarkable data insights, illuminating a path of growth and success. With the USA as the leading market and VFX services soaring to new heights, TechConnect stands poised for triumph. Leveraging a deep understanding of customer demographics and preferences, TechConnect can continue to innovate, delivering unparalleled electronic appliance experiences to its diverse customer base. The future gleams are bright for TechConnect Inc. as they strive to delight customers and ascend to new heights in the dynamic world of electronic appliances. πŸŒŸπŸš€